Posts Tagged: Cabin Trust

Creating a Cabin Trust After the Family Cabin has Passed to the Adult Children

I shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that I get a number of requests to create a Cabin Trust for a family after the cabin has passed to the next generation. Only then do the children realize that this asset of their inheritance was more of a problem than a gift.

Do Trust and Estate Attorneys Owe Family Cabin Owners an Apology?

I believe the estate planning community, me included, owes family cabin owners an apology. For years, too few of us have taken seriously our role as counselors as well as attorneys. There are certain family assets, a cabin among them, in which we should have recognized the potential for family conflict but did nothing to prevent it.

What If One Of My Kids Doesn’t Want to Keep the Cabin After We Pass?

First of all, when considering whether a Cabin Trust is right for any family, I always encourage my clients to simply ask the kids whether they would want to keep the cabin when the parents pass away.

Cabin Owners With Adult Kids – It’s time to act as the parent one more time!

Parents must be parents one more time when crafting a cabin trust for their estate plan to prevent the kids from fighting over the family cabin or vacation home when the parents are gone.



New Cabin Trust keeps kids from fighting over the family cabin when parents are gone…

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, Oct. 2 – Fighting over the family cabin after the parents are gone can devastate relationships between siblings. The Cabin Trust